
Room 1 

09:00 - 10:00 


Talk (60 min)

Keynote: How To Address 7 Major C++ Pain Points with Tools

In the Annual C++ Developer Survey conducted by the C++ Foundation, the community identified a number of major pain points when working with C++. Year-to-year leaders are the same: libraries management, build times, setting a CI pipeline, and project models. Language challenges are also coming to the top regularly, but the lack of tools in the C++ ecosystem is obvious.


Let’s see if and how the modern C++ tooling can address the things that frustrate C++ developers the most. We’ll cover things from package management, CI setups, and development environments, to CMake debug and profiling, and a bit of data flow analysis (DFA) to statically identify many sources of undefined behavior and potential vulnerabilities.

Anastasia Kazakova

As a C and C++ software developer, Anastasia Kazakova created real-time \*nix-based systems and pushed them to production for 8 years. She worked as an intern in Microsoft Research, Networking department, outsourced in Telecom, and launched the 4G network. She has a passion for networking algorithms and embedded programming and believes in good tooling. With all her love for C++, she is now the Product Marketing Manager on the JetBrains C++ tools and .NET marketing teams.