
Room 1 

16:20 - 17:20 


Talk (60 min)

The Carbon Language: Road to 0.1

The Carbon Language is an experimental successor to C++. We want to provide significant improvements to developers for whom C++ is currently the best option. We are especially targeting developers with a large existing C++ codebase or large dependencies on existing C++ libraries. This talk will introduce the audience to Carbon's first major milestone: our 0.1 release that will demonstrate our C++ interop. When this is ready, C++ developers can start directly evaluating Carbon.


Beyond introducing Carbon's milestones, we'll share what we expect to get out of this release and what C++ developers can expect when using them. The talk will dive into the specific parts of Carbon's 0.1 milestone that are already shaping up and show how they are working in practice, including demos of the Carbon toolchain and compiling small, early, but working Carbon programs. We will also outline the remaining path to actually completing 0.1 and getting it into the hands of developers. And last but not least, we'll share a preview of the incremental evaluation and adoption workflow we are envisioning for existing C++ developers and codebases.

Chandler Carruth

Chandler Carruth is the technical lead for Google’s programming languages and software foundations. He has worked extensively on the C++ programming language and the Clang and LLVM compiler infrastructure. Previously, he worked on several pieces of Google’s distributed build system and made guest appearances helping maintain a few core C++ libraries across Google’s codebase. He received his M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science from Wake Forest University, but disavows all knowledge of the contents of his Master’s thesis. When not hammering away on a weirdly shaped keyboard, he enjoys sushi, fine dining, brown spirits, and everything about wine.